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  • Writer's pictureELIZABETH EDWARDS

June - Not just Father's Day & Fishing

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Grandfather fishing with grandson
Father's Day & Fishing!

June is FINALLY here! Time for me to get that fishing license and head for the hills! Time for BBQ's, hiking, and all the wonderful things that June brings!

This morning I received a newsletter from LEARNIdaho, (Lifelong Education and Resource Network), a new connection that was suggested to me. I found out that not only is June famous for Father's Day and Juneteenth, fishing and outside fun, but that it is Elder Abuse Awareness month.

Who knew? I certainly didn't! Like any other discussion about any kind of abuse, it can be the elephant in the room, yet discussion is obviously needed - why else would we devote an entire month to it?

When my father was about the age I am now, he would often say to me, "Please don't put me in a home." Dying wasn't his fear. Being without his family was.

By the grace of God, we never had to make that decision as a family, as he died suddenly of a heart attack on a vacation to his hometown on Father's Day one June. I always thought that the fact he was with his family of origin when he passed was a blessing. He loved being with his family. However, if he had returned home from that trip and eventually needed a caretaker, I would have been the first in line.

Families operate differently today. We Baby Boomers may have parents who are living in a different state than we are and we can't be with them all of the time. Perhaps we have had to place our parents in senior living facilities. Perhaps you know a Solo Ager, someone who never married. Whatever the case may be, knowledge of Elder Abuse Awareness is a subject many of us could use. Our society is facing longer lifespans, and that means soon many of us may be facing our own health issues and concerns in the not so distant future, and we may need help ourselves.

LEARNIdaho has created a video about recognizing the signs of elder abuse and what you can do. It just takes an hour of your time. This is just one video they have in their library of multiple topics found in the caregiving world. A place where you can find all kinds of resources for caregiving and all that comes with it.

An hour of my time to learn more about this subject was definitely worth it, even if I don't have parents to be concerned about anymore. I may be working with yours.

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