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  • Writer's pictureELIZABETH EDWARDS

LEARNIdaho Resource Fair at the Boise/Dick Eardley Center

Updated: Apr 14

LEARNIdaho's second Resource Fair is happening this Tuesday, April 16th at the Dick Eardley Senior Center in Boise. The event will start at 10:30 A.M. and ends at 12:00 P.M.

Coincidentally, the LEARNIdaho Resource Fair falls on National Healthcare Directive Day, and two of our featured vendor members -the End-of-Life Doulas Idaho and Life Changes Elder Care will be present with information on this important topic. We will have 27 other vendors, including the Boise P.D., who will be offering their prescription give back box and Albertsons, who will be offering vaccines for folks with their medical I.D.'s.

LEARNIdaho had our first Resource Fair last week at the Meridian Center at the Park, where we served over 70 of our beloved Treasure Valley Seniors and Solo Agers with resources and information on all things caregiving.

Our vendors will be donating gifts for our Raffle, which we will announce at the end of the event. We hope you will join us!

A special 'thank you' to Bowman Funeral Directors for sponsoring this event!

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